Monday, October 16, 2006


The time has come to start unwrapping works of art that have been held back in storage (aka The Treasure Trove) and put them up online for everyone to see. Many of these works hold special meaning for me - either they were seminal to a new idea, a new direction; or they are recently returned from exhibitions or traveling shows. Others are expressions of ideas that "didn't fit" with other bodies of art work my galleries were showing, and therefor have not been publicly exhibited.

In any case, over the next few weeks, we are posting the images of all the works of art that are currently in the studio. They are available for sale to anyone who is passionately drawn to them.

Copyright restrictions apply to anyone who wants to download the images and use them for other purposes.

Please contact us with any questions.

A Secret Celebration!

The Studio has now been graced with the presence of friends, collectors, critics and children! The Secret Celebration was a wonderful event on a gorgeous autumn day. Thank you to all who attended, it was an honor to have you there!